WCU Football Ticket Giveaway

wcu, football,

B. H. Graning Landscapes, Inc.ย and B. H. Graning Landscape Supply, Inc.ย appreciates the supportย from each of youย who read our articles,ย vote during our contests, and receive our services.ย  We are offering a limited number of free WCU football tickets to anyone interestedย for Saturday October 13th on a first come first serve basis.ย  Please call 866.455.5296 to claim your tickets by 2pm Friday October 12th.ย  Tickets can be picked up at our Sylva Office on 64 Bella Road,ย Friday from 3pm-5pm.

Update:ย  It was a beautiful day for football.ย  We are happy everyone that responded to this article was able to get tickets. Yayyy! We hope you enjoyed it.ย  We appreciate all our customers and social media followers.ย  If you live in Western North Carolina and are in need of landscape services, please contact us to schedule your free estimate. Click here to contact us now.

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